Posted on 4/23/2013
Good morning everyone! We’ve set June 20th (6:30pm) as our date for the Guys Car Wax Demo Night. Come out and learn how to properly wax your car while having a great evening at Beech! This will follow our Ladies Car Care Clinic being held at Beech on June 13th (6:30pm) – Both are going to be great events. And as always, keep your Facebook captions coming for our ongoing contest
Posted on 4/5/2013

Neighbour to Neighbour Centre‘s mission is to alleviate and prevent poverty by supporting our neighbours at risk on Hamilton Mountain and leading poverty prevention in our neighbourhood. Beech Motorworks will donate $5.00 to Neighbour to Neighbour Centre for every online appointment scheduled in March. Book your Online Appointment Here. When booking an appointment online, please select the charity you want to donate to from the Charity Drop-Down Box.
Learn more about Neighbour to Neighbour at