Posted on 2/12/2015

Here is an example of why keeping up with your service interval and regular maintenance are so important for your car. This oil filter has clogged up and sucked itself in. It is restricting oil flow through the vehicle and not filtering out any potential contamination. Check out what it should look like
Posted on 2/12/2015

Great Job Ford! This is fantastic! Now this is what you call "Speed" Dating.
Posted on 2/12/2015

Attention ALL Beech Motorworks Clients!!! Have deferred work from previous visits? You are being invited back in between Feb 1st and 28th to have any deferred work completed on your vehicle with a 10% discount. Call the shop for further details or to book an appointment
Posted on 2/12/2015

Check out this Tire Hotel Video "Tires on the Town" Starring Beech Motorworks General Manager, Clint Giles
Posted on 2/3/2015
Do your wheels look like this? Have you been feeling a wheel vibration? When a wheel gets packed with snow, it can freeze to the inside of the rim causing your vehicle to vibrate or shake while moving. When you come to a complete stop, ...the heat from your brakes melt the snow and ice from the top of the top of the rim leaving it only half packed, causing a very strong vibration affect while driving. If you think this has happened to you, come in to Beech Motorworks and we will be happy to check your wheel balance, tire pressure and remove any unwanted snow build up in your wheels. We'll even top up your washer fluid
Posted on 2/3/2015

Potholes in Hamilton and the surrounding area for many years have viciously assaulted innocent vehicles. All it takes is a pothole to bend a component of your vehicles suspension, bend your rims or damage a tire. It’s also possible that the... impact knocked off one of your wheel balancing weights off or even knocked the vehicle out of alignment. Like so many others in the city of Hamilton, if your car has fallen victim to one of the many potholes in our great city; remember to take your car to Beech Motorworks for inspection and repair