Have you been ignoring that pesky Check Engine light that is constantly staring at you from your vehicles dash cluster? Thought of covering it up with a small piece of tape thinking “If I cannot see the light there is nothing wrong” or said to yourself “but the car seems to be driving fine, there couldn’t possibly be a problem”? Did you know that the Check Engine light can turn on for more than 1,400 different reasons!
Much like the human body, when something is wrong, it sends us signals to let us know. Your check engine light and other indicator lights are your vehicle’s signals telling you there is something wrong. Ignoring these lights can not only cause detrimental damage to your car, but, may also be putting the driver and others on the road in danger.
You should always have your vehicle properly diagnosed when a Check Engine light presents itself. Bring your vehicle to Beech Motorworks and one of our Technicians will connect the system to a diagnostic scan tool and determine which area is calling to you for help. Depending on the issues which your vehicle is presenting, addressing the problem right away can save you money and major headaches down the road.
If you have any questions about your Check Engine or other dashboard lights, don’t hesitate to contact us at Beech Motorworks! We are here to help!
990 Upper James St.
Hamilton, ON
L9C 3A5